da Computer Music Journal Vol. 17 Issue 4
Stephen Travis Pope
Computer Music Journal
Per complementare la bibliografia del nostro campo che è stato presentato
nell'ultima edizione del Computer Music Journal, presentiamo la discografia
(necessariamente incompleta) dei principali lavori di computer music.
Un criterio importante per questa lista era che il materiale è disponibile
attraverso i canali commerciali normali. Abbiamo escluso così molte
registrazioni importanti e degne che sono fuori stampa, o che possono
essere ordinati soltanto direttamente dai compositori o dai loro editori.
Esistono diverse importanti serie di musica elettronica ed elettroacoustica
su CD. La serie Wergo Computer Music Currents", la serie CDCM (Consorzio
per la Distribuzione di Computer Music) e la serie di "Culture Electroniche"
di Bourges su incisioni Le Chant Du Monde sono facilmente disponibili nei
negozi o per ordine diretto. Le altre serie, come "Canadian Diffusion i
Media CDs", la francese i INA/GRM o "Bridgre Records" dagli Stati Uniti
sono distribuite internazionalmente.
The Wergo Computer Music Currents Series
Gli 11 volumi di questa serie Wergo sono stati curati e prodotti da Johannes
Goebel e includono un'ampia varietà di musica elettroacustica internazionale.
Vol. 1: Alain Savouret, Don Quixote Corporation; Christer Lindwall, Points;
Daniel V. Oppenheim, Round the Corners of Purgatory. WER 2021-50.
Vol. 2: Mario Davidovsky, Synchronisms No. 9; Gottried Michael Koenig,
Three ASKO Pieces; Denis Lorrain, ...black it stood as night; Emmanuel
Ghent, Phosphones; Daniel Arfib, Le Souffle du Doux; Loren Rush, A Little
Travelling Music. WER 2022-50.
Several classics in vastly different styles.
Vol. 3: Francois Bayle, Le Sommeil d'Euclide; Richard Karpen, Eclipse;
William Schottstaedt, Leviathan; Johannes Goebel, Vom Übersetzen über den
Fluss. WER 2023-50.
Perhaps the best "sampler" of the breadth of what one can do within
electroacoustic music.
Vol. 4: David Evan Jones, Scritto; Michel Decoust, Interphone; Charles Dodge,
Roundelay; Jean-Baptiste Barriere, Chreode I; Trevor Wishart, VOX-5; Roger
Reynolds, The Vanity of Words. WER 2024-50.
The processed or synthesized voice in all its splendor.
Vol. 5: Denis Smalley, Wind Chimes; Mesias Maiguashca, FMelodies II; Gareth
Loy, Nekyia; Kaija Saariaho, Jardin Secret I; Jonathan Harvey, Mortuos Plango,
Vivos Voco. WER 2025-2.
More uniformly-large-scale works.
Vol. 6: Horacio Vaggione, Thema; Thomas Kessler, Flute Control; Denis Smalley,
Clarinet Threads; Amnon Wolman, A Circle in the Fire; Chris Chafe, Solera. WER 2026-2.
Vol. 7: Richard Karpen, Il Nome; Jean-Claude Risset, L'autre Face; Lars-Gunnar
Bodin, Anima; Tracy L. Petersen, Digital Tantra I; Francis White, Ogni Pensiero
Vola; Joje Yuasa, A Study in White. WER 2027-2.
Recommended for study!
Vol. 8: Stanley Haynes, Prisms; Takayuki Rai, Five Intentions; Rainer Boesch,
Clavirissima; Daniel Teruggi, E Cosi Via; Richard Teitelbaum, Run Some
By You. WER 2028-2.
Vol. 9: Gerald Bennett, Kyotaka; Joji Yuasa, Towards the Midnight Sun;
Thomas Delio, Against the Silence; William Albright, Sphaera. WER 2029-2.
Vol. 10: Wolfgang Motz, Sotto Pressione; David Wessel, Anthony; Gary
Nelson, Fractal Mountains; Marco Stroppa, Traiettoria. WER 2030-2.
Vol. 11: Alejandro Viñao, Toccata del Maga; Stanislaw Krupowicz,
Farewell Variations; Charles Dodge, Any Resemblance is Purely Coincidental;
Douglas Fulton, Bowling for Blood; Paul Lansky, as it grew dark. WER 2031-2.
The CDCM Computer Music Series on Centaur Records
I CD di CDCM sono organizzati in 3 serie con temi distintivi:
"The Computer Music Studio" (Vols. 1-9, una serie ritratti di studio);
"The Virtuoso in the Computer Age--I-V" (Vols. 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, CD
con rilievo strumentale); and "Composers in the Computer Age--I-VI"
(Vols. 12, 16-20).
Vol. 1: Larry Austin, Sinfonia Concertante: A Mozartean Episode;
Thomas Clark, Peninsula; Jerry Hunt, Fluud; Larry Austin, Sonata
Concertante; Phil Winsor, Dulcimer Dream; produced by at CEMI:
Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia, University of North
Texas. CRC 2029.
Vol. 2: Richard Teitelbaum, Golem I; Martin Bresnick, Lady Neil's
Dumpe; Neil Rolnick, What is the Use?; Rick Baitz, Kaleidocycles;
Scott Lindroth, Syntax; produced at iEAR Studios, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. CRC 2039.
Vol. 3: Salvatore Martirano, SAMPLER: Everything Goes When the
Whistle Blows; John Melby, Chor der Waisen; Sever Tipei, Cuniculi;
Scott A. Wyatt, Still Hidden Laughs; Herbert Brun, I toLD You so!;
Carla Scaletti, sunSurgeAutomata; produced at the Experimental Music
Studios and Computer Music Project, University of Illinois at
Urbana/Champaign. CRC 2045.
A very wide range of approaches; recommended.
Vol. 4: David Rosenboom, Systems of Judgement; produced at the Center
for Contemporary Music, Mills College. CRC 2077.
Vol. 5: "Inner Voices" Paul Lansky, just more idle chatter; Paul Lansky,
Andrew Milburn, and Brad Garton, Wasting; Frances White, Still Life
with Piano; Alicyn Warren, Contraption; Brad Garton, Approximate
Rhythms; Martin Butler, Night Machines; Andrew Milburn, Elmore;
produced at Winham Laboratory, Princeton University. CRC 2076.
Highly recommended for its "lighter" approach to computer music.
Vol. 6: Jon Appleton, Brush Canyon; Paul Moravec, Devices and Desires;
Christian Wolff, Mayday Materials; John Appleton, Degitaru Ongaku;
David Evan Jones, Still Life Dancing and Still Life in Wood and Metal;
produced at The Bregman Electronic Music Studio, Dartmouth College. CRC 2052.
Vol. 7: Neil Rolnick, Vocal Chords and A Robert Johnson Sampler;
Pauline Oliveros, Lion's Tale; Julie Kabat, Child and The Moon-Tree;
Barton McLean, Visions of a Summer Night; Joel Chadabe, Modalities;
produced at iEAR Studios, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. CRC 2047.
Vol. 8: Jonathan Berger, Diptych; Dexter Morrill, Quartet; Chris Chafe,
Quadro; Allan Schindler, Tremor of Night and Day; David Jaffe,
Telegram to the President; performed by The Jefferson String Quartet. CRC 2091.
Great use of strings with tape!
Vol 9: "...musics, metaphors, machines..." Phil Winsor, Anamorphoses;
Cindy McTee, Metal Music; James Piekarski, Dreamfile; Rodney Waschka II,
A Noite, Porem, Rangeu E Quebrou; Robert Keefe, Ephimerides for Harp
and Percussion; Rowell Rogers, Cenotaph; Larry Austin, Beachcombers;
produced at CEMI: Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia,
University of North Texas. CRC 2078.
Vol. 10: "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age--I" Paul Lansky, As if...;
Larry Austin, Montage; John Melby, Concerto for Flute and Tape;
Anthony Braxton and David Rosenboom, Challenge. CRC 2110.
All very strong compositions and performances.
Vol. 11: "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age--II" Larry Austin,
Life Pulse Prelude; Gareth Loy, Blood from a Stone; Chris Chafe
and Dexter Morrill, Duo Improvisation; Neil Rolnick, The Persistence
of the Clave; Rodney Waschka II, Last Night; Jon Appleton, Homenaje a Milanes;
Larry Polansky, V'leem'shol (And to rule...) (Cantillation Study #2). CRC 2133.
Vol. 12: "Composers in the Computer Age--I" Diane Thome, The Ruins
of the Heart; John Rahn, Miranda; Richard Karpen, Saxonomy; John Rahn,
Kali; Richard Karpen, Denouement. CRC 2144.
Vol. 13: "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age--III" Larry Austin, La Barbara;
Joan La Barbara, l'albero dalle foglie azurre; Laurie Spiegel, Cavis Muris;
Stephen Travis Pope, Kombination XI: A Ritual Place based on the Poem by
Helmut Heissenbuettel. CRC 2166.
Four large and deep pieces.
Vol. 14: "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age--IV" Morton Subotnick,
Trembling; Rodney Waschka II, Help Me Remember; Salvatore Martirano,
UIUS & Jest fa' Laffs; Allan Schindler, At the Edge. CRC 2177.
Vol. 15: "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age--V" David Jaffe/ Andrew Schloss,
Wildlife; Richard Boulanger, Solemn Song for Evening; Ami Raduuskaya,
A Wild and Reckless Place; Richard Boulanger, Shadows.
Vol. 16: "Composers in the Computer Age--II" Cort Lippe, Music for
Guitar and Tape; Dary John Mizelle, On the Threshold; Larry Austin,
SoundPoemSet; Rick Chatham, Constellations; Rodney Waschka II, Xuaumen;
Michael Matthews, The First Sea.
Cultures Electroniques on Le Chant du Monde
Questa serie include i vincitori del concorso annuale di Bourges per
la musica elettroacoustica, come anche le selezioni dall'archiviodi
vicitori del passato e di brani classici della letteratura di musica
Vol. 1: Yves Daoust, Quatuor; Takayuki Rai, Transparency; John-Stanley
Body, Musik Dari Jalan; Tommy Zwedberg, Hanging; Ivan Patachich, Ludi
Spaziali per Piano-forte e Nastro; Ricardo Mandolini, De mi Huian los
Pajaros. LDC 278043.
Vol. 2: Richard Karpen, Exchange, Jonathan Berger, Meteora; Julio
d'Escrivan, Sin ti por el Alma Adentro; Henri Kergomard, Hapsis;
Georg Katzer, La Mecanique et les Agents de l'Erosion; John Rimmer,
Fleeting Images; Javier Alvarez, Papalotl; Josh Levine, Tel; Werner
Kaegi, Ritournelles; Ben Guttman, Different Attitudes (2 CDs). LDC 278044/45.
Large-scale and mixed, several very strong pieces.
Vol. 5: Kjell Johnsen, MuraIki; Paul Dolden, Below the Walls of
Jericho; Robert Rowe, Flood Gate; Frances White, Valdrada; Carmelo
Saitta, La Maga o el Angel de la Noche; Frances White, Still Life
with Piano; Gabriel Valverde, Cumulos; (Coda--1973- 75) Eugeniusz
Rudnik, Mobile; Zoltan Pongracz, Mariphonia; Jose Vincente Asuar,
Guararia Repano; Eduardo Kusnir, La Panaderia (2 CDs). LDC 278051/52.
Diffusion i Média emprientes DITIGALes Series
Christian Calon: Ligne de vie: Récits électriques. IMED-9001
Robert Normandeau: Lieux inouïs. IMDE-9002
Alain Thibault: Volt. IMED-9003
Électro-clips: 25 three-minute clips from North American composers. IMED-9004
Daniel Scheidt: Action/Re´action. IMED 9105.
Yves Daoust: Anecdotes. IMED-9106
F. Dhomont: Mouvances, Metaphores (2 CDs; includes a 220-page booklet). IMED-9107/08.
Classic electroacoustic music from a true master.
François Bayle: Motion-Emotion and Les Couleurs de la Nuit. INA C 1001
Bernard Parmegiani: La Création du Monde. INA C 1002
Jean-Claude Risset: Sud, Dialogues, Inharmonique, Mutations. INA C1003.
Jean Schwarz: Quatre Saisons. INA C 1004.
Michel Redolfi: Too much Sky, Desert Tracks, Pacific Tubular Waves. INA C 1005.
Pierre Schaefer and Pierre Henry: L'oeuvre musicale integrale (4 CDs). INA C1006-9.
Denis Dufour: Notre besoin de consolation est impossible à rassasier. INA C 1010.
Jacques Lejeune: La Cantique des Cantiques. INA C 1011.
Daniel Kientzy (saxophone): Daniel Terrugi, Xatys; Jean-Claude Risset,
Voilements; Gilles Racot, Exultitues. INA C 2000.
Christian Zanési: Stop! l'horizon, Profil-Désir, Courir. INA C 2001.
Michel Chion: La tenation de Saint-Antoine, La ronde (2 CDs). INA C 2002-3.
Gilbert Amy: Une Saison en Enfer. INA C 2004.
Bernard Parmegiani: De Natura Sonorum. INA C 3001.
François Bayle: Vol. 1: Érosphère: Tremblement de Terre si Doux,
Troupie dans le Ciel. INA C 3002.
Jean Schwarz: The Sea Maid's Music. INA C 3003.
François Bayle Vol. 2: Théâtre d'Ombres, mimaméta. MG CB 0291.
François Bayle Vol. 3: Vibrations Composées, Grande Polyphonie. MG CB 0392.
Bridge Records
Neil B. Rolnick: Macedonian AirDrumming--Sanctus, ReRegong, Balkanization. BCD 9030.
The Music of Jonathan Harvey: From Silence, Nataraja, Ritual Melodies. BCD 9031.
Paul Lansky: Homebrew--Table's Clear; Night Traffic; Now and Then;
Quakerbridge; The Sound of Two Hands. BCD 9035
A wonderful collection of transformed worldnoise.
Tod Machover: Valis. BCD 9007.
Electroacousic Music I: Jean-Claude Risset, L'Autre Face; Paul Lansky,
notjustmoreidlechatter; Daniel Warner, Delay in Grass; Richard
Boulanger, from Temporal Silence; Kaija Saariaho, Petals; Charles Dodge,
Profile. Neuma 450-73.
This is an excellent disc (CMJ review)
Electroacoustic Music: Classics: Edgard Varese, Poème Électronique;
Milton Babbitt, Phonemena, Philomel; Roger Reynolds, Transfigured Wind IV;
Iannis Xenakis, Mycenae-Alpha. Neuma 450-74.
Truly great classics of electroacoustic music from the 1950s to the 1970s.
Electroacousic Music II: Jonathan Berger, An Island of Tears; Peter Child,
Ensemblance; James Dashow, Disclosures; John Duesenberry, Agitato (Ergo Sum);
Gerald Shapiro, Phoenix. Neuma 450-75.
Roger Reynolds: Personae, Variation, The Vanity of Words. Neuma 450-78.
Artefact Records
Chris Brown: Snakecharmer--Obedience School, Iceberg, Snakecharmer,
Hall of Mirrors, Post Mortem. ART 1001.
The Hub: Computer Network Music (John Bischoff, Tim Perkis, Chris Brown,
Scot Gresham-Lancaster, Mark Trayle, Phil Stone): Perry Mason in East
Germany, Farabi, Rol'em, Borrowing and Stealing, Whackers, Hot Pig,
Dovetail, The Minister of Pitch, Simple Degradation. ART 1002
John Bischoff and Tim Perkis: Artificial Horizon, Music for new software
instruments: Touch Typing, Next Tone, Please, Engagement, Dovetail,
Artificial Horizon, Clicks, Clavitron 6000, Audio Wave, Happy Trails. ART 1003.
Larry Polansky: The Theory Of Impossible Melody--B'rey'sheet (In the
beginning...)(Cantillation Study #1), Four-Voice Canons No. 3-6,
Simple Actions/Rules of Compossibility. Psaltery. ART 1004.
Brian Reinbolt: It's Not That Simple--Seven, Descartes, Canon,
Moronscape 24, A Man or a Baby, Black Noise, The Thirteenth Player,
Urban Lake Music, Moronscape 5, Simple, Ivo, Cones, Brain Monkey. ART 1005.
Rotodoti: Tarzan Speaks (Live Improvisations with Doug Carroll,
Ron Heglin, Tom Nunn, and Tim Perkis)--Bambi's Dilemma, Lava Bird,
Gravity Ruins, Tarzan Speaks, Slicker on the Sphinx, Latent (Untitiled). ART 1006.
James Tenney: Selected Works 1961-1969-- Collage #1 (Blue Suede),
Analog #1 (Noise Study), Dialogue, Phases (for Edgard Varese),
Music for Player Piano, Ergodos II (for John Cage), Fabric for Che,
For Ann (Rising). ART 1007.
Charles Dodge: In Celebration, Speech Songs, Story. CRI C-348
Pioneers of Electronic Music: Arel, Stereo Electronic Music No.2;
Davidovsky, Syncronisms No.5; Luening, Low Speed, Invention in 12
Tones, Fantasy in Space, and Moonflight; Luening and Ussachevsky,
Incantation; Shields,Transformation of Ani; Smiley,Kolyosa;
Ussachevsky,Sonic Contours, Piece for Tape Recorder, and Computer
Piece No.1. CRI CD 611
Otto Luening: Poem in Cycles and Bells, Orch and Tape. CRI ACS 6011
Paul Lansky: Six Fantasies on a Poem by Thomas Campion; James Dashow,
Second Voyage. CRI S-456
Other Wergo Releases
New Computer Music: Klairens Bahrloe, Relationships for Melody
Instruments; James Dashow, Sequence Symbols; Stephan Kaske,
Transition Nr. 2; Paul Lansky, Idle Chatter; Curtis Roads,
nscor; Michel Waisvisz, The Hands. WER 2010-50
John Chowning: Turenas, Stria, Phone, Sabelithe. WER 2012-50.
Jean-Claude Risset: Songes, Passages, Little Boy, Sud. WER 2013-50.
Morton Subotnick: Touch, Jacob's Room. WER 2014-50.
All three of these (Chowning, Risset, and Subotnick), are must-have.
Dinosaur Music: Chris Chafe, In a Word; David Jaffe, Silicon
Valley Breakdown; and William Schottstaedt, Dinosaur Music. WER 2016-50.
James Dashow: Archimedes, Mnemonics, and Oro, Argento, and Legno. WER 2018-50.
"Each of these works exhibits the sophistication, originality,
and richnes of invention that we have come to expect from Dashow,
one of the very best composers working with computers today."
(Review by Thomas DeLio in CMJ 14:2)
Alejandro Viñao: Son Entero, Triple Concerto. WER 2019-50.
Just listen.
Michael McNabb: Invisible Cities. WER 2015-50.
Barry Truax: Digital Soundscapes--The Blind Man, Aerial, Wave Edge,
Solar Ellipse, Riverrun. WER 2017-50.
Michael Obst: Crystal World. WER 2011-50
Gary Lee Nelson: Fractal Mountains. WER 2030-2
Other labels
The Digital Domain: A Demonstration. (1983) Elektra 60303-2.
A sampler of pieces made during the 1970s and early 1980s at the
CCRMA Center at Stanford University, and a series of test tones for CD players.
Charles Dodge: Any Resemblance is Purely Coincidental. New Albion Records NA 043 CD.
Paul Lansky: Smalltalk. New Albion Records NA 030CD.
Neil B. Rolnick: ElectriCity--Wondrous Love, Ever-livin' Rhythm,
and Blowing. O.O. Discs #8.
Simon Emmerson: "Dreams, memories, and lanscapes." Continuum CCD 1056
"Imaginary Landscapes" with music by Nick Collins, Neil Rolnick,
David Weinstion, Ron Kuivila, Gordon Monahan, Alvin Lucier,
Laetitia Sonami. Elektra/Nonesuch 9-79235-2.
Cartography: Gene DeLisa, "Sanctus" from Missa Fractalis and
Concertal; Robert Keefe, Fractalis Balinesus; Rodney Waschka II,
Euwe Suite and Runes. IRIDA Records LP 0007 (available through
Deep Listening Publications)
Jeffrey Stolet: Concerto for Orchestra, Chainsaw & Cow; including
Strains; Sonata Formication; Worms and Desolation; Rounds IV and V
from the Main Event, and Gregorian. Newport Classic NPD 85532.
The Minimal Computer Music CD Collection
If restricted to 15 CDs the list below would be my--extremely biased
by aesthetic considerations--list of the minimal collection necessary
for any computer music listening room.
Electroacoustic Music: Classics. Neuma 450-74.
John Chowning. Wergo WER 2012-50.
Jean-Claude Risset. Wergo WER 2013-50.
Morton Subotnick. Wergo WER 2014-50.
Alejandro Vinao. Wergo WER 2019-50.
CDCM Vol. 3: Experimental Music Studios and Computer Music Project,
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. CRC 2045
CDCM Vol. 5: "Inner Voices" Winham Laboratory, Princeton University. CRC 2076.
CDCM Vol. 7: iEAR Studios, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. CRC 2047.
CDCM Vol. 11: "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age--II" CRC 2133.
CDCM Vol. 13: "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age--III" CRC 2166.
Wergo CM Currents Vol. 2. WER 2022-50.
Wergo CM Currents Vol. 4. WER 2024-50.
Wergo CM Currents Vol. 5. WER 2025-50.
Wergo CM Currents Vol. 7. WER 2027-50.
Wergo CM Currents Vol. 11. WER 2031-50.
As with the bibliography of the previous Editor's Notes, the editor
assumes total responsibility for all omissions. The list above
reflects his personal collection with various additions received
after an initial circulation, and not a particular filtering or
censoring of the literature.
Further additions to this list, and suggestions for the minimal
collection are, as always, invited.